
 Best Cheap Dehumidifier For Basements Reviews   Best Dehumidifiers To Use In Basements, Crawl Spaces And Other Damp Places The Keystone KSTAD70B70 pints dehumidifier, which is priced at less than half the price, is an excellent choice if you want a large dehumidifier that works well in large spaces. The unit can be used to humidify rooms up to 4500 sq. feet. There are many useful features and settings included that make it very easy to use. You can control the LED-display's electronic LED and set the timer, fan speed and humidity levels. Also, you will be notified when the water bucket has reached its maximum capacity. The transparent indicator will let you see the level of water and allow you to monitor it. This unit also has some automatic functions such as auto-restarting, auto shutting off, and auto defrost. This Homelabs dehumidifier has a 50-pint water removal rate and can cool up to 4,000 square feet. You can also use the continuous drain option. It also fe